Miss. Broken Disciple was created after I attended Time Out for Women, an event for LDS women to listen to speakers on a variety of topics to renew their faith and love of Christ's gospel.

Many of the speakers spoke of having a "Faith Crisis," a time in their lives where they could not feel close to Heavenly Father. Some of them dealt with doctrinal questions, some of them dealt with mental illness, and some of them dealt with divorce and other family shifts that caused great anguish. They were broken. They were your average everyday people who were overcoming trials, striving to feel God's love, learning about Christ's atonement and yet despite their struggles, despite their brokenness, they were still following our Savior.

I felt one with them. I am broken.

In May 2016, I was (FINALLY!) diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, mild depression and even PTSD from two events in my life that altered the way my brain analyzed the safety and comfort of normal, every day situations. I had spent a lot of time putting on a happy face and acting like nothing was wrong, only to go home and have a 3 hour-long panic attack that filled my husband with fear. I met with my doctor and some therapists and with the help of medication am striving to improve my life each and every day. I finally understood what was happening in my brain and why it was hard for me to live a normal life. Each day brings its own trials, but I am on my own road to mental wellness.

I am broken in so many ways. I go through periods where it is VERY hard for me to feel close to my Heavenly Father. Even when I am doing all the things I should be in order to have his Spirit, I still struggle to feel that closeness with Him that my spirit desires. I also go through periods of undeniable closeness with my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. Times where I feel one with them. I cling to those moments when I am in darkness.

To be broken means having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. It can also mean a person who has given up all hope, or who is despairing.

The definition of disciple is a personal follower of Jesus or one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another.

I am a broken disciple. You probably are too. We are all broken. We all need Jesus. We need to turn to Him and give Him our burdens. Miss. Broken Disciple exists to encourage you to embrace your brokenness, share your light, and turn to Christ. Here we talk about the good, the bad, and how the Savior helps us through it all. Miss. Broken Disciple is here to remind you that you have enough, you do enough and you ARE enough.

"Praise His name, my God loves broken things..."

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